6,401 research outputs found

    On the stability of thick brane worlds non-minimally coupled to gravity

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    We analyze a class of 5D models where a 3 brane is generated by a bulk scalar field non minimally coupled to gravity. We show that perturbative stability of such branes is normally guaranteed although non minimal couplings are not innocuous in general. After the physical states are identified the linearized equations for propagating modes are evaluated into a Schroedinger form and supersymmetric quantum mechanics provides the absence of tachyons. The spectrum contains a tower of spin 2 and spin 0 fields with continuous masses starting from zero ones. For regular geometries the scalar spectrum contains a state with zero mass which is always non normalizable. The propagating massive scalar states are repelled off the brane due to a centrifugal potential.Comment: 15 page

    Labour Force Participation and the Business Cycle: A Comparative Analysis of Europe, Japan and the United States

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    Using OECD data from 1970 until 1995, we estimate systems of labour force participation equations, disaggregated by age and sex, for the United States, Japan, France and Sweden. We simulate the path of participation rates following shocks to GDP and also test for asymmetric responses to shocks occurring in upward and downward phases of the cycle. Our methodology is especially pertinent to the issue of hidden unemployment and the "discouraged worker effect". We find that this effect is essentially a female phenomenon with a particular concentration among 45 to 54 year olds.Participation rates; business cycle; asymmetric responses; discouraged worker effects

    ICT spillovers, absorptive capacity and productivity performance

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    We analyse the impact of ICT spillovers on productivity in the uptake of the new technology using company data for the U.S. We account for inter- and intra-industry spillovers and assess the role played by firm’s absorptive capacity. Our results show that intra-industry ICT spillovers have a contemporaneous negative effect that turns positive 5 years after the initial investment. By contrast, inter-industry spillovers are important both in the short and in the long run. In the short run, companies’ innovative effort is complementary to ICT spillovers, but such complementarity disappears with the more pervasive adoption and diffusion of the technology

    Overeducation and hourly wages in the UK labour market; 2006 to 2017

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    In 2017, around 16% of all those in employment aged 16 to 64 years were overeducated (had more education than required for their job); the corresponding figure for graduates (with first degree or equivalent) was around 31%. In 2017, 21.7% of those who graduated before 1992 were overeducated, whereas the corresponding figure for those who graduated in 2007 or later was 34.2%. There is a wage penalty associated with overeducation, although overeducated employees earn positive return on wages, this is significantly lower compared with those who are matched to their jobs. In 2017, the overeducation rate was similar for women and for men, however the wage penalty for overeducation was somewhat higher for men than for women; this suggests that overeducation does not contribute to gender pay gap. Recent graduates experience lower pay penalty on overeducation compared with non-recent graduate

    Durabilit\ue0 del legno lamellare rinforzato: un prodotto innovativo

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    La ricerca sviluppata nell\u2019ultimo decennio in edilizia si \ue8 orientata sempre pi\uf9 verso quei materiali, cosiddetti ecocompatibili o ecosostenibili, tali da dissipare il meno possibile le risorse naturali. In questo senso il legno, ed in particolare quello lamellare, \ue8 divenuto una valida alternativa alle tecnologie pi\uf9 usuali e tradizionali del cemento armato e del ferro, anche perch\ue9 rappresenta una delle poche materie prime rinnovabili. Il legno lamellare \ue8 un prodotto evoluto, un prodotto industriale che supera i difetti propri del legno massello con caratteristiche di resistenza meccanica e di durabilit\ue0 superiori, cos\uec da poter ottenere qualunque forma e dimensione. Presenta per\uf2 una rigidezza limitata rispetto ad altre tecnologie, aspetto quest\u2019ultimo, che ha determinato un vasto campo di ricerca basato sulla possibilit\ue0 di inserire elementi irrigidenti all\u2019interno della sezione resistente. La memoria presenta i risultati raggiunti nell\u2019ambito di un progetto di innovazione PIA che ha avuto l\u2019obbiettivo di sperimentare un prodotto innovativo che possa avere una maggiore rigidezza, e quindi maggiori prestazioni a parit\ue0 di costi. L\u2019impiego di materiali originali ha richiesto la verifica delle prestazioni attraverso test ciclici di prove integrate di resistenza meccanica e di invecchiamento accelerato che sono state svolte, rispettivamente, dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica e dal Dipartimento di Progetto e Costruzione Edilizia entrambi dell\u2019Universit\ue0 di Palermo. Nel seguito si illustrano le prove di invecchiamento artificiale eseguite per verificare la durabilit\ue0 dei prototipi innovativi da sperimentare

    Evaluation of innovative thermal insulation systems for a sustainable envelope

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    La memoria presenta i risultati ottenuti su sistemi di isolamento termico per l\u2019involucro edilizio. Si presentano i risultati ottenuti tramite simulazioni informatiche che hanno consentito di verificare e ottimizzare la trasmissione del calore attraverso un sistema sottovuoto in vetro per le facciate trasparenti. Inoltre la possibilit\ue0 offerta dal riciclo del materiale di scarto della potatura dell\u2019Opunthia Ficus Indica (fichi d\u2019india) che,opportunamente trattato ha permesso di ottenere un materiale isolante (Brevetto n. 1402131), in forma di pannello o in grani sfusi, (valori di coibenza termica 0.071\uad0.057 W/mK).The paper presents the results of the research on thermal insulation systems for the building casing. We present the results of computer simulations that have enabled us to verify and optimize the transmission of heat through several innovative insulation systems, such as vacuum solutions for transparent fa\ue7ades, or the possibilities offered by the recycling of waste material of Opunthia Ficus Indica (prickly pear) pruning, which, properly treated, allowed to obtain an insulating material (Patent n. 1402131), in the form of panels or bulk grains (thermal coefficient values 0.0710.057 W/mK)

    How Skillful are the Multiannual Forecasts of Atlantic Hurricane Activity?

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    The recent emergence of near-term climate prediction, wherein climate models are initialized with the contemporaneous state of the Earth system and integrated up to 10 years into the future, has prompted the development of three different multiannual forecasting techniques of North Atlantic hurricane frequency. Descriptions of these three different approaches, as well as their respective skill, are available in the peer-reviewed literature, but because these various studies are sufficiently different in their details (e.g., period covered, metric used to compute the skill, measure of hurricane activity), it is nearly impossible to compare them. Using the latest decadal reforecasts currently available, we present a direct comparison of these three multiannual forecasting techniques with a combination of simple statistical models, with the hope of offering a perspective on the current state-of-the-art research in this field and the skill level currently reached by these forecasts. Using both deterministic and probabilistic approaches, we show that these forecast systems have a significant level of skill and can improve on simple alternatives, such as climatological and persistence forecasts.The first author would like to thank Isadora Jimenez for providing the necessary material for Fig. 2. The first author would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO; Project CGL2014- 55764-R), the Risk Prediction Initiative at BIOS (Grant RPI2.0-2013-CARON), and the EU [Seventh Framework Programme (FP7); Grant Agreement GA603521]. We additionally acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme’s Working Group on Coupled Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the climate modeling groups for producing and making available their model output. For CMIP, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison provides coordinating support and led development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals. LPC's contract is cofinanced by the MINECO under the Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion postdoctoral fellowship number IJCI-2015-23367. Finally, we thank the National Hurricane Center for making the HURDAT2 data available. All climate model data are available at https://esgf-index1.ceda.ac.uk/projects/esgf-ceda/.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Introduction of Potentially Allergenic Foods in the Infant's Diet during the First Year of Life in Five European Countries

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    Background: Little information is available on infants' age at first introduction of potentially allergenic foods as part of complementary feeding. We aimed to analyze age at the introduction of potentially allergenic foods in healthy term infants relative to recommendations in 5 European countries. Method: Recruitment was conducted from October 2002 to June 2004. A total of 1,678 infants {[}588 breastfed (BF) and 1,090 formula-fed (FF) infants] were studied. In 1,368 infants, at least one 3-day weighed food diary at the age of 1-9 and 12 completed months was available. Results: Six percent of BF infants and 13% of FF infants consumed some potentially allergenic food already prior to the recommended minimum age of 4 months, and 4% of BF infants and 11% of FF infants had already received gluten. There were significant differences in the timing of the introduction of potentially allergenic foods between the countries at the age of 4-6 months (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The time of first introduction of potentially allergenic foods in infants differed significantly between countries, and they were introduced much earlier than recommended in some countries. FF infants received potentially allergenic foods earlier than BF infants. Better information and counseling of parents is desirable. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base
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